GLT facilities

Green Leaf Threshing (GLT) is processing plant which processes green leaf for cigarette factory and export. This factory process all types of tobacco leaf and basically this processing of leaf is for cigarette use.

GLT plant capacity is 7500kg/hr. Plant receives raw tobacco from farmer level by buying court and comes to the plant for threshing, First it comes to feed table then maintaining the required moisture it goes to the thresher for seperating the mid rib (stem) & lamina. Next the seperated lamina goes to the lamina Dryer for drying to the required moisture level, and goes to Auto press for 200kg package. Process line scrap (small lamina) after drying goes for 50kgs bag. Finally all products after 72 hours of cooling are sent for warehousing in the company godown.

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Flue Cured Virginia and Burley Tobacco